Tours in Tuscany

Family Friendly Tours

Family Friendly Tours

Traveler reviews

Are you a Family with kids or teenagers? Do you need to find some Kids Friendly Tours in Tuscany that can involve your children? Do you want the Tuscany tour to be a memorable experience for your family?
You arrived to the right place. Our company is made by people who come from families with children and we know well their needs. Over the years we have worked with thousands of families.
Our guides and drivers are friendly with children and will try to catch your children's attention so that they will enjoy the experience by doing things specifically thought for you all and using language and explanations appropriate to the children. We will use attention proposing food they can enjoy.
Below you'll find a Selection of Family Friendly Tours that are best suited to the family or where we can include options designed for the little ones.
In each tour you'll find the Family Friendly Toursintuscany logo.
When you contact us don't forget to tell us that you have children and that you want something special for them.

Our activities for children can include:
• Walking or hiking in the nature
• Visits to special places like climbing towers or visit castles
• Cooking classes for kids
• Adventure parks, Amusement parks, Water Parks, Inflatable parks
• Horse riding
• Meet animals like donkeys, sheeps, chickens, horses
• Visit the Zoo
• Going to the cheese factory
• Riding bikes
• Going to the beach
• Treasure hunting (in Florence)
• Boats rides or Sailing
• Introduction to the Italian Language
• And have a lot of Gelato and Pizza and Pasta!


The "Travel with Kids Group" has choosen us for a tipycal tour of Tuscany. Check out the video!


Contact us and we'll send you
a personalized proposal and quotation
or call us at +39.328.619.9279
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Please make sure to include our email address,, as authorized by your spam filter

Highly recommended in case our reply bounces back or ends in your spam box

Please make sure you include: date of service, number of people in your party and pick up drop off location/accommodation.

I read the privacy policy and consent the processing of the data, in compliance with the D. Lgs 30 giugno 2003 n. 196*

It will be our pleasure to get back to you within 48 hours.
Check your spam box in case you do not hear from us!

What we do

Mobile: +39.328.619.9279



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Tours are organized by Journeysinitaly Srl Registered Travel Agency - Vat nr 06627260489, Reg. CCIIA FI 643427
I tours sono a cura dell’organizzazione tecnica dell’Agenzia Viaggi Journeysinitaly Srl - P.I. 06627260489, Reg. CCIIA FI 64342

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